For her, for him, when two become one. The Intensify Plus Clitoral gel for her increases pleasure with a gentle feeling of palpitation on the skin. The experience begins with a warm, soft sensation and then intensifies into a deeply satisfying warmth as the area is stimulated. Pleasure Balm® Prolong for him with its unique formula is designed to make his passion last longer. Warming Gel: Apply a small drop of Kama Sutra Arousal Gel to the clitoris and surrounding areas. Gently in a circular motion until increased sensitivity occurs. Reapply as needed or desired. Prolong Gel: Reapply as needed or desired. Apply a small amount to head and shaft of penis 5-10 minutes before intercourse or use as directed by a health practitioner. Use the smallest amount to achieve the desired result. Allow to dry and wipe off any excess gel if necessary, before intercourse. Wash product off after intercourse.

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